I want to lead in by saying that I understand ANY team not wanting to trade ANYTHING for Harden.

I just don’t see him as an additive. It’s going to be subtraction through addition adding him to any team.

However, it seems like the Clippers DO WANT Harden.

So my question is: Why are they not willing to give up Terrance Mann to get him?

I mean… a rotation player, a first, and swap seem reasonable if Harden is somebody you want.

I get that they may want the picks top-5 protected… sure.

But Mann… he’s good. No doubt.

But he’s 26, still a single-digit scorer. Good shooter. Yes.

So why is he the hold up?

Am I missing something with this guy? I mean, last year the Clippers DECREASED his minutes. They can’t be THAT high on him.

What am I missing here?

  • Salty_Watermelon@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    Harden is a one year rental, another injury risk on a team that can’t stay healthy, and is at an age where his production could drop off dramatically. He’s still a good player, don’t get me wrong, but he’s a luxury piece for a team that still has Kawhi and PG.

    Mann is underused on the Clippers. He’s never going to be putting up 20ppg, but you can’t just ignore how valuable it is to have a guy that can guard multiple positions while also being a jack of all trades on the offense.