Which players will breakout? Disappoint?

Which team will surprise? Disappoint?

Who will win the chip?


Tyler Herro averages 25 PPG and lead the heat to a top 3 seed in the East.

Scottie Barnes will breakout with averages of 20/7/7.

Lakers will finish as 6 seed or lower due to injuries again.

Suns will win the chip.

  • WheresMyFalafelYo@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    The Charlotte Hornets will be better than expected, and still not be good.

    Boston will struggle to integrate zinger and Jrue early, leading to a bad first 20 games, and the doomers will be out in full force claiming they should blow it up.

    Dallas will miss the playoffs because Kyrie and Luka actively hurt each others games when on the court together, but neither guy would be happy to take a backseat.

    Cleveland will finish third in the east by a decent margin.