The entire NBA ecosystem seems to have unanimously decided that there’s no shot for Embiid to win consecutive MVPs, especially after this year’s playoffs where Embiid underperformed, while his most direct competitor established himself both as a champion, and as the top-dog in the league

But the one thing NBA has consistently proven, is that it’s very tricky to predict (notwithstanding the Warriors superserum run), and there very well maybe a future where we’re watching Joel Embiid hoist up that award once again come May.

So what do you guys think, realistically needs to happen with the Sixers, Embiid himself and the rest of his competition this regular season, for him to win a second MVP?

  • Rohkha@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    What he fif last season, and if anyone is close to his stats and slightly above him, whine about not being able to get it and get the pity award.

    Basically exactly what he did last year. But he’ll have to whine more to compensate for « voter fatigue ».

    No hate against Joel. I think he’s a great player. And I’m NOWHERE near a Jokic fan, but it’s absolutely ridiculous Jokic didn’t get it over Embiid. And almost everybody knows it’s mostly due to voter fatigue.

    And the fact that Joel still cried after getting it, blaming the award for not bwing able to focus during the playoffs makes me legitimately worry for Embiid. Looks like the guy will never be happy, no matter the milestone he reaches.

    I’m not wven sure he’s decided about which nationality to take on and what team to play for. There’s surely still plenty of time for him to change his mind on that one as well.