Hello and thank you for reading this. I’m starting my journey to study Emacs, and I’m interested in turning Emacs in my IDE (mainly C, C++, JavaScript, Rust, and Python, etc…) and taking notes. Could you please give me your best suggestion on how to accomplish my goals? Thank you once more, and have a wonderful day/night.


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  • Qudit314159@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    I’d start by configuring an incremental completion framework. This is the single best feature of Emacs and its packages IMO.

    You want to keep things simple, fido-vertical-mode is built-in and is already a big improvement over the default completion.

    If you want something more powerful, the vertico-corfu-marginalia-orderless-embark-consult completion stack is the best currently available IMO. However, something like helm or ivy is also an option if you don’t want to install a ton of packages.