That’s where I believe you are wrong. Sure, things hurt my feelings. I grew up being picked on. But eventually, you realize it’s the other people’s problem and not yours. They think X… so what? That’s what they believe. Unless they intentionally damage your life by influencing coworkers, friends, and family, simple “name calling” is useless words that only hurt your feelings because you care what that person thinks. And if that person is putting you down to try and make you feel bad, their words should not matter to you at all…
That’s where I believe you are wrong. Sure, things hurt my feelings. I grew up being picked on. But eventually, you realize it’s the other people’s problem and not yours. They think X… so what? That’s what they believe. Unless they intentionally damage your life by influencing coworkers, friends, and family, simple “name calling” is useless words that only hurt your feelings because you care what that person thinks. And if that person is putting you down to try and make you feel bad, their words should not matter to you at all…
I hate to break it to you, but what you just described is precisely what stigmatising gayness does.