Some months ago, i was in a cosplay convention and there was a political organization called the women’s league of voters. The person that was promoting the organization called me and she asked me some questions about voting. I told her I am against voting but in a very outlandish and vauge way because I was afraid I would give out too much information on my politics.

This made me wonder what should I do if I get sucked into political conversations. Do any of you guys have any advice?

    1 year ago

    Like another comment here touched on, if I’m not totally sure of the person’s politics I’ll usually just criticize the US/west from an anti-imperialist angle. It’s useful because actual comrades will quickly pick up on what type of person I am (and maybe agree or make similar comments themselves) while other people will usually either politely nod or change the subject.

    If it’s a situation where I really don’t want the people within earshot to know about my politics then I keep to uncontroversial statements. Like when the Ukraine conflict kicked off last year my coworkers were talking about it and while I wanted to say something about liquidating Nazis, I just said I felt bad for the innocents caught up in it and I hope it ends soon. Most people aren’t gonna give you shit for saying “I don’t want innocent people to die” lol.