Some months ago, i was in a cosplay convention and there was a political organization called the women’s league of voters. The person that was promoting the organization called me and she asked me some questions about voting. I told her I am against voting but in a very outlandish and vauge way because I was afraid I would give out too much information on my politics.

This made me wonder what should I do if I get sucked into political conversations. Do any of you guys have any advice?

    1 year ago

    Not OP or the person you’re responding to, but my response is that not everybody wants to be a part of political discussion. I mean, yes, of course we are ML and we would, in theory, like it if people were open to learning about that. But I think for some people it’s just really tough. Personally I commend everyone who can do this kind of stuff in public because I know that I have the social anxiety of a hermit crab.

    On a more general note, I think everyone picks their battles. Being that even mentioning communism can get you in a lot of social trouble. Even someone who regularly talks politics might just have a day where they don’t want to deal with it. Those are my thoughts.