I’m working on a self-hosted project and am contemplating the idea of introducing Google Ads. However, I have a few concerns and would love to hear your thoughts:

User Growth: I am inclined towards gaining more users at this stage and worry that introducing ads might deter some potential users. What has been your experience with introducing ads in the early stages of a project?

Security: My project prides itself on maintaining a high level of security, and integrating external JavaScript scripts like those required for Google Ads could be perceived as a compromise. Though I believe the risk is no more than on any other site, I’m wary of the perception. How have you navigated this in your projects?

Affordability: Currently, the costs for Amazon S3 are manageable without the income from ads. However, monetizing through ads could provide a cushion and potentially accelerate the growth of the project.

Community Perception: Lastly, how has the community responded to ad integration in your projects? Have you noticed a change in user engagement or community sentiment?

I truly value the insight and experiences this community can share. Thank you in advance for your help!