Been streaming for about 7 months or so and have really been enjoying it! I’m always looking for ways to make it better but am having some trouble thinking of some interesting ways for viewers to use their channel points in larger amounts.

Right now I mostly have sound effects for cheap to let people stay engaged and participate throughout the stream. I don’t really have any larger point redeems aside from one for 3k to play without my glasses for a set time.

Any of you out there find any success with point redeems that aren’t just memes like 1 million points to end the stream?

  • kismattic@lemmy.worldOP
    10 months ago

    I have been extremely lucky with the people who have come to the stream! Various ages and maturity but I don’t believe I’ve had to timeout or ban anyone that wasn’t a bot. I have like…5 subscribers, maybe 3 of which aren’t just friends throwing their prime at me. Right now the subscriber perk is getting a custom walk on sound of their choice but not even everyone takes that. So right now the sounds are for everyone until maybe the community grows?

    For VIP I was looking to change it to something else, but leaving the people who have it with the status like being “grandfathered” into it. It was very early into my stream and I just wanted a way to thank people for being there before I even hit affiliate to get channel points. Honestly all VIP gives right now is the badge in chat. I haven’t figured out what else to provide for them or how to create a separate “regulars” status or incentive so I’ll have to research that!

    Thank you for the outside perspective on the potentially hurtful/alienating nature of the redeem name. I should’ve put more thought into it beyond thinking it’s just a harmless/good natured joke. I try to be as inclusive as I know how to be in my channel and that may not be interpreted as such. Will be changing that up for the next stream!