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The original was posted on /r/boardgames by /u/TemperatureNo9369 on 2023-10-05 15:33:06.

Not sure if this can go here but it’s something that happened at board game night. I like to play a lot of games both social and smaller complex games. There’s only 1-2 other women and like 15-18 guys on any given night.

There’s this one guy who always comes onto me really strong. Over the weeks I greeted him enthusiastically cause he was always enthusiastic with me. But I pulled away because he kept touching me like touching my arm or elbowing my side or just leaning so close. My friend told me he was married but in an open relationship, like fine that’s ur business but ew leave me out of it. He also never directly asked me out he just kind of harasses me so I can’t even politely turn him down.

Well yesterday he tried to greet me with a hug (weird for our group) but I’m tired of it so I greeted him but just backed away. Then later in the night I’m in a deep board game with 4 people and he comes over really close leaning behind me and made a joke and elbowed me in the side. I said sharply “don’t touch me please.” He said sorry and hung around for another minute but i wouldn’t say anything else so he finally left. A lot of ppl complain there aren’t enough girls in the group but when I gave some suggestions to improve the ratio they just ignore it. I just want to play games.