Although I received no notification of banishment or over what in particular (probably due to eugenics hesitancy…) it seems as though I cannot log in nor view any posts anymore. This just happened within the last hour. Using a privacy mode I could view posts again, until attempting to log in that way and then the fake-impossibility thing began again. Anyone else have a similar problem, with probably being banned for wrongthink in this manner now?

    6 months ago

    I got banned today, again, for such bullshit a reason. Someone made a thread about dreaming of Trump going away and I said I was dreaming of the day he dies. So, Reddit perm banned me for promoting violence. Probably some fucking cunt MAGA twat reported me and Reddit auto bans because of it. I’m so fucking sick of Reddit. I think I’m done with that cunt of a platform, forever.

    3 years ago

    There is a big banner across reddit’s page when you are banned. It’s pink, with a hammer logo. It will have a link to form for appeal, which is manned by a monkey trained to click “denied”.

    Also congratulations.

    If you wish to create a new account, it will become necessary to never log into the old one, even to read replies you might’ve gotten late. You will need to get a new ip address, you will need to create a new email (Yahoo still lets you create them, apparently)… doing the is apparently something they check for. It is also likely true that they use third-party tracking, so you may need Firefox and Facebook-container or similar installed.

    Given that you were banned because someone reported you, if you announce that you were OldUsername in a post or comment, then when your hecklers go find it, they can report you for ban evasion and get you banned again. So resist the urge.

    Honestly, it’s mostly not worth it though. Whatever you did to get you banned in the first place will happen again. And in many places, you aren’t allowed to comment without an older account or a higher score. It’d be better to accept that reddit is dead, even if at one point you enjoyed the website.

    Lemmy fixes some of what’s wrong with reddit. Let’s see how long it lasts before problems emerge.