This says where it is nicer for wealthier people to live. Apparently it’s a nightmare to be wealthy in China but in Australia it must be pretty good
Where do you think the rich people from China are going?
gulagjust about everywhere they feel like. I would imagine wealthy families are going to places with good education.
Yes, and if this map is true it’d also be interesting because it counters the common argument that our countries aren’t welcoming enough to the “job creators”, but i wouldn’t know how to explain that, e.g., China lets this happen, the full implications, and a lot of other things not told in that simple map.
It seems at first view like another illustration of the unfairness of neoliberalism(, not only a brain drain, but a capital drain as well).I mean that’s why I tried to be vague about it as possible. What would be more interesting is to seen intra county movment
GOD i hate the millionairs moving to Portugal. They are the most useless pieces of meat on this planet, they dont have to worry about money, they just spend their rest of they life having vacation in their big mansions while people beg on the streets of these tourist hot-spots where they are located
Millionaires is such a useless word. Someone who owns a small run down house in San Francisco is a millionaire, someone who owns their own small business is most likely a millionaire, and so on, millionaire is a world away from billionaire.
ten millionaire then?
One shudders to imagine the reasons why a billionaire would elect a desert like the uae to live in.
You’re not in a desert, you’re in a megalopolis that’s filled with every single luxury known to man. You could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, and do everything known to man.
A rich person is never bored in the UAE, especially when everything is being done for them by literal slaves.
There’s such a vast gulf between millionaires and billionaires that I’m not sure how great this is. Also, the changing relative value of currency to the US seems to alter these numbers (see Russia)
I’d say 1000 millionaires = 1 billionaires as a rough estimate. So this chart tracks the movement of 22.1 billionaires, out of the 1700 total billionaires present.
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