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  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    Bill Gates Unveils His Most Ambitious Technological Breakthrough Yet!

    If there’s anything you can say about Bill Gates, it’s that he’s full of surprises. Sure, we’ve all adorned the tinfoil hat once or twice and whispered that Gates may not be the benevolent, bespectacled, tech messiah mankind initially believed. But who amongst you would have guessed that our favorite billionaire was, in fact, the Antichrist?

    Devilish Bill Gates

    Yes, you heard that correctly. In a shock announcement made via Zoom call, Bill “Benefits of Digital Infrastructure” Gates finally revealed an insidious subtext hiding beneath that nerdy exterior. Out with philanthropy and tropical disease eradication, in with demonology and the apocalypse.

    Gates calmly spilled the beans to an astonished planet. Exhibiting his usual confidence from his executive office (and we assume atop a rough-textured red carpet), he firmly stated, “I am the Antichrist. There, I said it. Now, onto the next item on our agenda. Let’s talk microchips!”

    It was hardly the dramatic entrance we were expecting from Hell’s captain, more a minor inconvenience as we sipped our morning coffee, but then again, Gates has always been something of a left-field player.

    Now that Gates has confirmed he is the ‘man of sin’, we couldn’t help but wonder about the implications for the tech sector. After all, when you’re the harbinger of the apocalypse, you surely have high-tech plans in store.

    As expected, Gates did not disappoint. He promptly introduced what can only be described as the epitome of ‘Accessory of Destruction’ – microchips. Yes, the kind that you find in your smartphone, but these, of course, are destined for your skin instead.

    Microchips for humans

    It brings a whole new meaning to wearable technologies, doesn’t it? Why wear a smartwatch when you can become the smart device? As they say, if you can’t beat them, become them. It appears that the time has come for humanity to adapt technologically or risk being left in the digital dust.

    The proposed chips, straight from Gate’s techie underworld, pose a win-win situation. Economically speaking, they’ll spawn a new industry resulting in thousands of jobs. They will boost tech stock value exponentially with Gates at the helm. Ethically speaking, however… Wait, do ethics matter in the apocalypse?

    Jokes aside, the proposed benefits are intriguing. These chips promise real-time health monitoring and non-verbal, brain-wave powered communication, among other wonders. It’s no biggie, just the advent of telepathy. Who needs a smartphone when you can send messages directly from your brain? That’d surely give a new dimension to drunk dialing!

    As great a charade as this may sound, the reality isn’t very amiable. What’s concerning is the resemblance to the doomsday predictions of the infamous ‘Mark of the Beast’. But should we be worried?

    On one hand, we have Gates admitting he’s Antichrist and insisting we implant his microchips. On the other hand, we have the opportunity to become walking, talking supercomputers and finally understand what the hell ‘blockchain’ means.

    We’ll leave you there to ponder those fiery depths. Meanwhile, enjoy this amusing image generated to depict what living as a human-microchip might look like.

    Human-microchip hybrid

    In conclusion, whether you take Gates’ latest bombshell feet firmly in reality or in jest, we can’t help but tip our hats to the man. It’s not every day you find a philanthropist transforming into a presumed prophecy-fulfilling, chip-proposing, apocalypse-inducing technocrat.