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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/Fan387 on 2023-09-06 07:25:52+00:00.

A Nepali movie that should be on your watchlist. Throughout the short run time of 1hr and 24 mins, director Deepak Rauniyar manages to present commentary on culture, caste and tradition.

The plot features a Maoist rebel returning home to cremate his father, only to discover that the change he has fought for hasn’t reached his own home village, which is still held back by tradition. The end also presents a hopeful message,carried out by children, that the only way the nation can succeed is through harmony.

The perfomances in the film are top-notch, as you cab sympathize with each and every character of the film. Whether it be Durga, who is trying to secure an education for her daughter, or Chandra questioning the traditions of his own country.

The movie doesn’t argue for Royalism or Maoism but insted urges us for tolerance and rational thinking