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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/artvandelay9393 on 2023-09-05 19:47:36+00:00.

SO many people told me it’s amazing. People I trust, too, which makes me question my own judgment. But I found it to be completely and utterly boring with almost no redeeming qualities.

Every scene that was supposed to leave off with a joke just didn’t land at all for me. Paul Giamatti was good… he’s good in anything he does… but I found it pretty unbelievable how much that waitress/bartender wanted to be with him despite him dressing like an out of place teenager with clothes too big for him, a general depressing attitude, and a proclivity toward drinking too much.

And I found the whole premise of Paul Giamatti not being into her until she impressed him with her wine knowledge to be almost insulting to women. This woman is 10x better looking than him, seemingly WAY more normal, and SHE has to impress HIM for them to show even the slightest amount of chemistry?

I found the entire thing utterly pretentious. For the life of me, I don’t understand how people like the movie. The okay ending doesn’t do enough to sit through the first 80 mins of this completely boring movie. It also seems SO outdated, whereas the classics (Godfather, Goodfellas, hell… almost any good romcom) hold up after all this time.

It feels like the world is playing a practical joke on my fiancée and I where you guys all got together and agreed to act like you liked the movie. We were sitting there so confused why so many like this movie.