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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/Megatron_36 on 2023-09-05 17:12:48+00:00.

Say you came up with a story, made it into a screenplay and directed it; the film becomes world renowned, makes more than a billion and wins all sorts of awards.

What if the actors get cocky and start demanding ridiculous changes for the sequel? It can’t really be produced without them so what do you do in this situation? Keep in mind that you always envisioned it to be a franchise (not like you’re making a sequel just for the sake of profits).

Or maybe the lead did what you said until the last instalment (say the script says he has to die), he says nah man I ain’t gonna die.

Or maybe he demands ridiculous pay, say $100 mn+ upfront.

What can you do?

Edit: For example what if Sam Worthington insisted that Quaritch should die in Avatar 2 itself whereas James envisioned something else for him later? Ik Cameron is considered a very adamant dir but still what could he do?