In a history-shaking reveal, scientists have offered up an alternative perpetrator to the infamous Bubonic Plague, which once swept across Europe like wildfire. Past research had always laid the blame on rats and their unsolicited partners-in-crime, fleas. However, researchers are now shedding fresh light on a novel hypothesis: that the true culprits might, in fact, be none other than miniature horses.

Historical document showing mini horses and rat fleas

You heard it right, folks. Apparently, it isn’t just cute cat videos that barrel their way through the Internet, leaving a trail of virality in their wake. It seems that history has had its fair share of unlikely instigators as well.

Historically, the Bubonic Plague, also grimly referred to as the “Black Death” or the “Pestilence,” struck Europe in the 14th century, wiping out approximately a third of the continent’s population. The primary suspects were rats and their blood-sucking companions, the fleas.

Miniature horses during the Bubonic Plague era

These furry perpetrators were believed to carry the plague bacteria, Yersinia pestis, around with them. The theory went that fleas would bite an infected rat, then move on to bite a human, transmitting the deadly bacteria.

However, some researchers have cast their doubts over the consensus. For one, rat populations in historic England were not as prevalent as we’d imagine. Additionally, the plague spread with terrifying speed and in a pattern that doesn’t necessarily match up with the rat-and-flea theory. And so, the hunt for other possible vectors began.

Enter, our mini but mighty underdogs, miniature horses. A relatively recent addition to the discussion, these pint-sized equines have not only bewitched us with their diminutive size and charming good looks, but they might have also unwittingly played a vital role in one of history’s darkest times.

While the idea of mini horses running amok, spreading death and destruction, is an image straight out of a bizarre chimera, here’s what may have actually happened:

  1. Carrier Fleas Favored Horses: Fleas are not particularly discerning when it comes to meal choices. While they might have preferred rats, they wouldn’t have said nay to a mini horse. Horses, much more prevalent across Europe than rats, could have invited larger flea populations, becoming potential hotbeds for the bacteria.

  2. Horse Transportation: Horses, including the smaller variety, were used extensively for transportation and in agricultural activities across medieval Europe. Their movements across villages could have contributed to the swift spread of the plague.

  3. The Role of Horse Hair: Mini horses have a thick coat of hair that allows for the easy attachment of fleas. Horse grooming could thus have resulted in human interaction with flea-infested horses, leading to potential transmission.

Flea on mini horse hair

Of course, we’re not advocating a witch hunt against these innocent equines. As with our beleaguered rats, horses were unlikely to have been acting alone. In fact, the likeliest scenario involves a motley mixture of hosts - rodents, horses, humans, and potentially, birds.

Let’s not forget that zoonotic diseases like the plague are always a result of intricate interactions between humans, animals, and their shared environments. The revelation about the potential role of mini horses only bolsters the fact that humanity’s relationship with its environment and fellow earthlings is far more complex than we often acknowledge.

So, the next time you find yourself cooing over a mini horse video, remember, these adorable creatures were once swept up in one of human history’s most deadly pandemics. But don’t worry, they’re not harboring any 14th century bacteria anymore. Or are they?

No, seriously, they’re not. Probably.