I have been trying to avoid Reddit. However, I still often end up being forced to click on a link to a post while searching for something specific. It is a hassle to manually change the link to libreddit or teddit everytime.
For my own purposes, I wrote a userscript to redirect any Reddit link automatically to Libreddit. Since, I thought I should post it here since someone could find it useful, and many of you prefer using Teddit, I also made a Teddit version. You should install only one.
Reddit to Libreddit: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469587-reddit-to-libreddit-redirect
Reddit to Teddit: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469588-reddit-to-teddit-redirect
You will need a userscript manager addon like Violentmonkey installed in your browser to make use of these scripts.
Disclaimer: These are my first ever userscripts.
Add also randomization of the instance, in case the main one is down and for privacy. There’s already libredirect addon which does that, but still cool.
Randomization added. Thanks for the suggestion!