Symptoms of the faux illness include ‘Trump-induced general hysteria’ where a person struggles to distinguish between ‘legitimate policy’ and ‘psychic pathology’
Conservatives are wild. I don’t know if they intentionally do it but their behavior is absurd. Obsessed with Obama’s birth certificate, LeTs Go BrAnDoN, and even super whacky shit like QAnon and trying to prove Michelle Obama is a man. They hate “mainstream media” yet Fox News is one of the biggest networks. They’re all about merit yet discount anything AOC says, who’s smart and studied, because she bartended. And now they want to turn the tables, claim they are and have always been normal, and it’s people who disapprove of Trump who are deranged. It makes no sense.
All of that? That’s the point. That’s exactly how they want us to feel: confused, hurt, isolated. They will gladly say something incredibly hypocritical and then just smile a shit-eating grin when you call them out, because we both know there’s nothing that can be done short of violence and that’s when they’ve “won.”
But in all honesty, violence actually is an answer, and a proper one to bullshit like this. I don’t give a fuck if you could call it assault if someone is literally taunting and threatening me when I haul off and beat their ass.
Do it. Make them scared of violent revolution and reprisals.
Conservatives are wild. I don’t know if they intentionally do it but their behavior is absurd. Obsessed with Obama’s birth certificate, LeTs Go BrAnDoN, and even super whacky shit like QAnon and trying to prove Michelle Obama is a man. They hate “mainstream media” yet Fox News is one of the biggest networks. They’re all about merit yet discount anything AOC says, who’s smart and studied, because she bartended. And now they want to turn the tables, claim they are and have always been normal, and it’s people who disapprove of Trump who are deranged. It makes no sense.
All of that? That’s the point. That’s exactly how they want us to feel: confused, hurt, isolated. They will gladly say something incredibly hypocritical and then just smile a shit-eating grin when you call them out, because we both know there’s nothing that can be done short of violence and that’s when they’ve “won.”
But in all honesty, violence actually is an answer, and a proper one to bullshit like this. I don’t give a fuck if you could call it assault if someone is literally taunting and threatening me when I haul off and beat their ass.
Do it. Make them scared of violent revolution and reprisals.
They’re just mindless, is all. Formless, pliable.
People keep posting that Sartre quote about anti-semites, but that’s the point.
It’s not about the actions, it’s about who is doing them.
I had forgotten about it. The quote is spot on.