A webapp for P2P E2EE messaging and file transfer. its a fairly unique approach to secure messaging.
the project isnt ready to replace any existing apps or services, but given the competative market for this kind of project, id like to push it out to get feedback.
i made an attempt to create documentation on the website, but otherwise feel free to reach out with questions about how it works.
Seems super interesting, but to be totally honest I won’t touch it until I don’t need anything google related to use it, but the moment it his f-droid I’ll try it out!!!
the google stuff is only for the website. the apps have their own subdomains and CSP headers that block foreign scripts.
(the direct links are found on the website footer under “links”)
the chat app is flexible in the ways it can be run as further described here: im trying things out with tauri and maybe some version hits the f-droid store at some point?
Yeah I read all that in your other comment. But a google group for testing is a deal breaker for now. This seems super interesting and I’ll be keeping my eye on it for sure!!