Idrael would get a Super-Like from me. Most likely without an intro, because what could I possibly say that would be interesting to someone who has five centuries under their belt?
Given how I tend to structure my profiles, we’d probably Match, then proceed to not message each other until one or both of us reach that point where we delete the apps for a year or two.
Idrael would get a Super-Like from me. Most likely without an intro, because what could I possibly say that would be interesting to someone who has five centuries under their belt?
Given how I tend to structure my profiles, we’d probably Match, then proceed to not message each other until one or both of us reach that point where we delete the apps for a year or two.
A chick pushing their 6th century and still single? Dodged a bolt on that one brother.
Genuinely glad most people think this way, you don’t know what you’re missing, and it also means more for me:P