I’ve gone handwritten, obsidian, onenote, and now Trilium. Considering switching to something else because there is no offline mobile support.

I use memos and trilium together but since neither offers mobile offline support considering switching both. No reason to run two services when I could run one.


  • Joplin
  • Logseq
  • SiYuan
  • ?
  • hotspur@lemmy.ml
    29 days ago

    OneNote is such a frustration for me. There are things about it I hate, and I’d certainly like to not have stuff in Microsoft’s hands, but I still can’t find an alternative that syncs well across all my platforms, has good stylus support and has the basic canvas freedom.

    I’ve been trying to demo xournal++ on my old surface pro 6, but have been having a pretty hard time getting the stylus to stay working. People are doing great work on getting Linux dirivers and support for tablet stuff, but it still feels pretty in its infancy. My iPad, just works very well for touch and stylus use cases and will be hard to move on from.