"Those who mimic the Nazi salute, even as a joke or an attempt to troll their opponents, trivialize the horror of the Holocaust," said the Anglican Catholic Church.
Anglican really just means a version of the Catholic church splintered off by Anglo-Saxons, and Catholic means for everyone, so all their church name really means is a Anglican tradition, or style church for everyone. Thera millions of sects out there that use very similar titles and terminology, it’s not always misleading even if it’s confusing or obscure language.
Not according to the Catholic church. They’re not Anglicans according to the Anglican church either.
Anglican really just means a version of the Catholic church splintered off by Anglo-Saxons, and Catholic means for everyone, so all their church name really means is a Anglican tradition, or style church for everyone. Thera millions of sects out there that use very similar titles and terminology, it’s not always misleading even if it’s confusing or obscure language.
So… “let’s be neither of those things by using both of their names at the same time”?
Huh, very interesting!
See also: Christian Scientists