Although personally in favor of Palestinian independence and critical of war crimes committed by Israel in its siege of Gaza, I attempted to explain in a back-and-forth discussion with a user (only afterwards learning was one of the community’s two moderators) why protest voting in the 2024 election to “punish” the democrats in favor of the republicans harmed the ultimate interest of reigning in Israeli violence in Palestine.

To further emphasize the damage caused by such a protest vote, I argued that not only is Palestine worse off with Trump elected instead of Harris, but as are a myriad of other social issues. The other user disagreed, arguing that Trump’s return to office facilitated the ceasefire, rather than my argument that Netanyahu deliberately delayed it to help Trump get elected.

After my fourth reply post in a reply chain that stemmed from my initial reply to the moderator’s comment, I was banned from ! Having at no point advocated in favor of the violence perpetuated by Israel in Gaza, I think the ban was unjustified, and demonstrates a bad precedent for maintaining echo chambers of moderator opinions, rather than communities that foster discussion.

  • شاهد على إبادة
    1 month ago

    If it is worth anything I acknowledge that I can’t mod the community on my own anymore and I am looking for mods. The thread that lead to the massive bans had users tacitly or blatantly celebrating the genocide and how worse it might get for Palestinians in the future.

    Apply here:

    I am also willing to handover the community entirely and become a normal member. I’m too emotionally invested in the cause. Not sure how to do this though.

    I will not be seeing the responses here. I am temporarily blocking the community to save [what’s left of] my sanity.