I’ve always had a fantasy of being tied up in a latex bitch suit and living like a pet. Being forced to take whatever’s given to me by whoever gives it. I’m a very open person who’s into a lot of kinks so most things are fine with me but if you have any questions feel free to ask. My dms are always open x

  • Keepthoseeyeslockedonmine@kinky.business
    2 months ago

    Rules for pet dogs:
    - dogs don’t speak, they vocalise only through barks, whimpers, and acts of affection such as rubbing and licking, which may be reciprocated at the human’s discretion
    - dogs eat and drink from their bowl, their four paws on the ground. The lick their bowls clean
    - dogs toilet in the garden. When they need to go they alert their master by standing at the back door, whining. It is at their masters discretion whether they can roam free or are led out on their leash and be observed as they squat to relieve themselves
    - dogs greet their masters affectionately after any period of absence. They shake their backside and tail, lick their master’s hands, look up lovingly to elicit strokes or belly rubs

    • Keepthoseeyeslockedonmine@kinky.business
      2 months ago

      - dogs may be sent to their boxes at will and ought to obey, otherwise the cage may be used. Curling up on the sofa is a privilege not a right and is solely at their master’s discretion
      - it is usual for dogs to be greeted by having their arse and/or genitals sniffed, they ought to welcome these shows of interest
      - breeding is at the sole discretion of a dogs owner. When on heat, an owner may choose to deny all sexual contact, using restraint or appropriate chastity if necessary. Alternatively, an owner may arrange any suitable partner to breed his bitch in heat, observing the success of any such mating