I cannot play on time. Not in terms of missing beats, or losing the click in the middle of a song, but in that my timing is almost always off. I compared my played notes to the click in the DAW, and I’m usually rushing, sometimes by 30-40ms. I remember Adam Neely said once that 10ms is barely acceptable, so yeah.

I tried dividing the distance between clicks in my head, doubling the metronome tempo, moving with the beat, consciously conpensating for the rush, nothing helped. Therefore, my questions - how’s your timing doing? What can I do to improve mine?

  • pH3ra@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Music at its core is a physics mechanism, so it has to follow a system of rules just like heat or gravity. What you are saying is comparable to “if you forget the rules of gravity you will be able to fly” which is plain wrong.
    If you want to fly you work hard to learn how, otherwhise you’re just a monkey beating on a typewriter