I’m a dual practitioner of Zen and Pure Land Buddhism, and I practice both zazen and nembutsu separately. In my city, there’s a small Soto Zen temple, so I visit it a couple of times a week for my practice sessions. However, I also practice by myself twice a day, and I always make an effort to be mindful of Amitabha Buddha.
It might be me misunderstanding Buddhism to a certain degree, but what does the first question mean? Can you give some context?
Buddhism traditional says there are 84,000 teachings from the historical Buddha which many practices connected to each. For instance there are many different forms of meditation such as Soto Zen’s Shikantaza and Shingon’s full moon meditation. Within that context I’m asking what one practices. It could include ritual, scripture reading, mantra, meditation style, etc
What schools respect the “leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone” mentality?
Don’t be a bitch here please.
Who said I was being a bitch? Don’t be a jackass please
Where did that come from?
I am unsure if this comment is in good faith or not but I would say no school takes this mentality.
That said there is an interesting practice described in the rinoceros sutra on the lone buddha or pratyekabuddhayana:
Essentially a buddha for themselves. This is typically not supported in modern Buddhism.
Ok. First, can we all, as people, come to an understanding of what are some primary signs for a bad faith argument are. Second, I don’t know much about the Buddhist philosophies. I paid more attention to Western philosophies like the school of cynicism, nihilism, and utilitarianism.
I’m a Chan Buddhist. I meditate and participate in a local temple.
I mostly like to read buddhist philosophy and implement the teachings as a test to see what works. I have to say, i meditate much less than i would like to, but I try not to stress too much about it. Then again, i am not a formal member of any sangha either
My practice looks like I’m nobody doing nothing while I am actually practicing the noble eightfold path constantly. Western theravadan.
Tibetan Buddhism here, more specifically the Gelug school. Right now my practice is more related to the study of emptiness with my teacher. I want to meditate much more, but lots of bad habits and excuses in the way :')