The original post: /r/watercooling by /u/AutomaticSeaweed6131 on 2024-12-22 22:58:45.

On the left, 1 year of use later vs the clearly uncoloured half bottle. I love the way it looks when you first fill the loop, but after many months the red looks VERY faded, especially if you have a multicoloured RGB strip on the side of your distroplate. All you see are blues and greens, with the red barely perceptible but as a small, sad red shadow.

Not knocking the product, really. It hasn’t stained my tubes or blocks (because I bought premixed and clean + flush and refill each year. But it is disappointing. I’m going to clear coolant this year, hopefully it won’t go too cloudy after another 12 months of usage.

Just a caveat emptor to any others who are using, or considering using it (if EK survives losing its brand reputation in this hyper niche market of obsessives - I hope they do though).