I never wanted any of you to die for me
And Remus, your son…
It’s ok Harry. He wasn’t even mentioned in the movies before now anyways.
I never wanted any of you to die for me
And Remus, your son…
It’s ok Harry. He wasn’t even mentioned in the movies before now anyways.
Wonder what was going through the translators mind with that one?
"O.W.L that’s a based on the word owl, and (based on the internet) Owl translates to another 3 letter word, Uil, therefore Slijmbal shall be the new term.
Slijmbal literally translates to suck up. Someone who tries to get into someone’s good graces. I think the main reason is that he couldn’t find a proper acronym for Uil, so he had some fun with it.
S.L.IJ.M.B.A.L. stands for ‘Schriftelijke Loftuiting wegens IJver, Magische Bekwaamheid en Algeheel Leervermogen’, a diploma in the Harry Potter series.
It means Written Praise for Diligence, Magical Skill and General Studiousness.