This week’s theme is borrowed from the current reddit songaweek. Thank you u/ahniwa
Yesterday we were blessed with a blue supermoon, blue because it was our second full moon in August, and super because of how close it was to earth. The moon represents a lot of different things. She is the sacred feminine. She is light, but also darkness. She pushes and pulls our tides, is at pace with the flow of our lives, changes men into wolves, and is the patron saint of crazy. Lunacy, after all … it’s right there in the word.
This week write a song about, or inspired in some way by, the moon.
Some inspiration to get the creative juices flowing:
Songs posted in this thread should be:
Original content (samples and such are ok)
Uses the weekly theme as inspiration… or not!
Submitted by Wednesday midnight your local time.
Written entirely during this week.
Post template
[Song Name] ( (Genre) [Themed|Not Themed]
This is where you can write a description of your song. You can talk about
how you wrote it, where your inspiration came from, and anything else
you’d like to say. Remember to sort by ‘New’ so that you can see new song submissions.
And remember to give honest, but supportive feedback to others.
New here? Check out this post How Songaweek works
Thanks, that means a lot! Love that imagery for sure.
I originally had it in mind to do those as lyrics, but sort of lost the thread in terms of what’s “supposed” to be played underneath them. Was tinkering with the just the chords, but decided to post. I might give it another shot before the Wednesday.