I’m interested in setting up a small static-site-generator site. Looked at 11ty recently and feel pretty uncomfortable with the amount of javascript and “funny language” churn just to make some html happen.
Do you know of any alternative that’s simpler / easier / less complicated dependencies? Or do you have an approach to 11ty that you think I should try?
Thanks in advance for any input, it’s appreciated!
Have you checked out grav https://learn.getgrav.org/17/basics/what-is-grav
I use it just to make simple markdown sites for info like my gaming servers or if I feel like making a random blog post
Thanks for the recommendation. I actually did look at grav a while back, but I can’t recall why I moved on. Will give it another pass.
Technically Grav is not a static site generator, it is just a flat file cms. It means there is no need to generate all the files of website and upload them to server each time you write a post. I have no idea why people like static sites for blogging.
Use rsync and only upload the files that have changed.
As the sibling comment says, not a static site generator. If you want to customize pretty much anything about the layout or theming you still need to use Twig, CSS and if you’re unlucky JS.