💾 NEW PODCAST!💾 In episode 95 we take a look at Wacky Wheels, developed by Beavis Soft and published by Apogee in 1994.
The SNES had Super Mario Kart, but we had Wacky Wheels and that’s just as good, we thought. Especially those of us who hadn’t played Super Mario Kart 😅
How does it hold up now? Let’s find out!
#dosGaming #retroGaming #podcast
Joining hosts @Tijn@dosgame.club and @rnlf@dosgame.club is DGC member Lars (“fastwinstondoom”) and @ctrlaltrees@oldbytes.space
Rees made an excellent video on Wacky Wheels some years ago, which you can check out here: https://ctrl-alt-rees.com/2021-10-04-wacky-wheels-a-twisted-tale-thats-not-all-fun-and-games.html
Thanks to all for being on the show! And also thanks to @console@dosgame.club for once again helping us edit this episode.
We can’t do this without all your support!
If you’re into this DOS gaming thing we’re doing, you can join us at our website https://www.dosgameclub.com where we have forums where we discuss all the games. You can also suggest new games for us to feature in the future.
Last but not least you can support us financially through Ko-Fi at: https://ko-fi.com/dosgameclub
We use these funds to pay for our server, which hosts the website & podcast, as well as our own Mastodon instance.
@dosgameclub@dosgame.club (sings the theme tune)
@dosgameclub@dosgame.club played this with my siblings as a kid. fun!