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The original was posted on /r/php by /u/jamawg on 2023-08-25 19:55:16+00:00.

I have a bunch of PGP common routines, some of them decades old.

The have worked just fine, but I wave some downtime and decide to 1) actually code some PHPunit tests, and 2) run some static code analysis.

I am getting a lot of errors that probably show that the language has evolved, e.g "Remove the parentheses from this \"require_once\" call.", and Remove the parentheses from this "echo" call.

Is there a tool to auto-fix this sort of thing, and others, like not putting {} around the statement after an if?

Anything extra is a bonus. I can even live with it if some (but not much) code gets broken in the process, as this will only encourage me to fully automate my regression tests.