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The original was posted on /r/php by /u/mrmanpgh on 2023-08-29 03:29:18+00:00.

I’ve been a dev lead of 4 php devs 2 reacts devs a mnd 2 qas for 7 years. Been a consultant 13 years before that. However the pay is not where it should be and the company wants to phase out us engineers all together. With my experience I should be making 40% more.

I’ve been looking. Etsy seems to be a great place, just waiting for a job to pop up that of be a good fit for.

Anyone know of any other companies I might be aware of? Or should I just stick with the job alerts letting me know when jobs higher then a certain salary come up?

These job alerts could be better, I get a lot of alerts that when I view them are not PHP positions. Maybe PHP was me mentioned somewhere in the description.

I wish there was a way to get actually PHP positions only in alerts, be it senior or dev lead or even dev manager. (I think I’m ready for it)

Maybe I need to find a recruiter?