I’m typing this with my new ergo keeb right now. Holy fuck it is hard. I cannot seem to be able to hack my brain, I’ve spent 2 WEEKS desperately trying to learn the first SIX MOST FUCKIN COMMON LETTERS and I’m still completely unable to use them even remotely quickly or reliably. I am completely unable to even break the 70% confidence line on keybr on I,E,S and R despite hours of efforts. Worse, now my accuracy goes steadily down the toilet even if I slow down to a grind in an attempt to improve it.

I fuckin suck at this. It is despair and rage inducing. How the fuck do you manage to even learn new layouts?

I spent almost an hour typing this fuckin message.

But hey at least my keyboard looks awesome.

Edit: it seems using keybr is actually damaging my progress instead of helping. I’m switching to another tool.

Edit2: after a few days on monkeytype I’m up to 17 WPM and 91% accuracy in french, up from 4 WPM and almost negative accuracy. Not great BUT it’s still a big win for me. I mostly know my layout now, except for the dev layer. I can only progress from now.

  • neonred@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m truly very happy to hear that you found a tool which helps you!

    Just keep in mind to be focussing extremely and solely on accuracy, no speeding, no bursting.

    Drill the keys, the rest happens by itself.

    (Up to a speed where you can comforatbly type. Then and only after that, come the specialized trainings for 2/3/n-grams, burstings, read-aheads, finger swaps, etc. - but you need an extremely solid basis for that, where even complicated words just flow out of you without any thinking. Pace yourself, get to at least a constant and repeatable 60 wpm with 99,5+% accuracy on a bad day first before going further)

    Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer, doctor, mechanic, milkman or whatever. People are different and different things work for different perks. I am just telling my personal experiences and the learning plan I chose for me (which probably is ultra-conservative) but which I believe fits my style and brain.