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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/memefakeboy on 2024-09-19 21:36:53+00:00.

Do you think the Q15 ever reflect on the fact that the second they die, (and aren’t present to defend themselves) any of their teachings will be thrown away or discredited the moment they become slightly inconvenient?

Like, imagine if Brigham Young or Spencer Kimball heard modern members say so flippantly: “He was a racist and simply speaking as a man.” I bet they’d have a lot to say about that, but in Mormonism, the second you’re dead- the Mormon machine has chewed you up, spit you out, and your corpse is used how they see fit.

I also think about Jeff Holland, he had a whole career as an apostle- but then the leadership likely coerced him to give “the musket fire” talk. I used to see him as “the slightly queer-affirming one.”Now his entire legacy will eventually boil down to “the especially homophobic one” because church leaders will continue to quote his words so they don’t have to say them. They’ll use him like a marionette for decades after he’s dead.

I’m not defending these men, I almost see it as some karmic justice that even the most powerful Mormons will one day be cast out of Mormonism, with kind words and platitudes, but cast out nonetheless.