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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Cinnamon_S_P on 2024-09-20 01:24:32+00:00.

Sometimes I think about what it was like to freshly deconstruct and I have unsolicited advice. Other veterans, feel free to add advice.

  1. It is OK to be in limbo for a WHILE. You do not have to decide what you do or don’t believe. And by awhile I mean YEARS
  2. This WILL fracture relationships, and you will not be able to change other people. But some people WILL change, for you, because they love you. They may not leave the church but they will figure out how to love you in a way that heals what used to hurt really bad.
  3. Begin erasing the judgmental echoing of the strength of youth pamphlet in your head. Every time you doubt if you should wear that tank top tell your Mormon brain to shut the hell up and honor your intuition.
  4. There are PHASES to this. You’ll be super angry, bitter, freed, grateful, offended, and elated all in the space a few days sometimes. That is normal. Especially the ones born in it.
  5. You will have amazing relationships with other friends that have also figured out the sham and they will be closer friendships than ministering/visiting home teaching could ever provide.

Be nice to you