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Picture this:

  1. You type on Google “laptop won’t turn on”
  2. Google now knows you have a broken laptop and can estimate how desperate you are to fix it.
  3. Because it knows how desperate you are, it can increase shop prices proportionally.

You are going to pay the maximum they get you to pay.

That’s algorithmic pricing.

The more companies know about you, the more they can predict and sell how desperate you are to other stores out there.

An internet-connected car knows much more about you than you realize. A smart TV also knows what you like. Your Alexa knows if there is a problem in the home.

Privacy is much more than just sensitive data.

It’s about not giving leverage away.

Because algorithms will use it against you.

Be safe out there.


    1 day ago

    Dude, I have a pi-hole, I block ads on every device in addition to the pi-hole. When I’m not at home I route by traffic through my home pi-hole. I know how ads work. I’ve even added ads to websites and used Google AdSense myself.

    What they said in the OP is categorically false. Google does not control other companies shop prices. They simply sell a spot to companies to match a profile. They do not control pricing. They do not sell your data. They sell a spot that matches a companies targeting profile. If Google sold your data they would lose their biggest cash cow because other ad companies would buy it and decrease Google’s market share. What you are seeing is Google’s Adsense script running on people’s websites. Google controls that data, not the website.