Trump’s Former AG Bill Barr Lowers the Boom in Stunning Analysis on Fox News Sunday: ‘If Even Half of it is True, He is Toast’ a stunning analysis of,it’s very%2C very damning.”

In a stunning analysis of the former president’s legal peril on Fox News Sunday, Barr cited and concurred with the assessment of Fox News legal contributor Andy McCarthy.

“If even half of it is true, he is toast,” Barr said. “I mean, it’s a very detailed indictment, and it’s very, very damning.”

Barr went on to take a flamethrower to Trump’s claims that he is being politically persecuted.

“This idea of presenting Trump as a victim here or a victim of a witch hunt is ridiculous,” Barr said. “Yes, he’s been a victim in the past. His adversaries have obsessively pursued him with phony claims. And I’ve been at his side defending against them when he is a victim. But this is much different. He’s not a victim here. He was totally wrong that he had the right to have those documents. Those documents are among the most sensitive secrets that the country has. They have to be in the custody of the archivist. He had no right to maintain them and retain them.”

The former attorney general acknowledged there has been bad blood between him and his old boss. But he cited other instances where he has supported Trump to make clear he views this case as a completely different animal.

“He’s been angry with me for a while,” Barr said. “But you know, I defended the president on on Russia-gate. I stood up and called out (Manhattan District Attorney) Alvin Bragg’s politicized hit job. And I have spoken out for 30 years about the abuse of the criminal justice process to influence politics. But this is simply not true. This particular episode of trying to retrieve those documents, the government acted responsibly. and it was Donald Trump who acted irresponsibly.”

Full video in article

    1 year ago

    I feel the 3rd kind have have mostly abandoned the GOP entirely which is unfortunate, because they are typically pragmatic and can be reasoned with. The true believers are definitely concerning since they’re typically far more ideologically extreme and reactionary. I feel the power/money seekers are slowly being purged and replaced by the aforementioned true believers which is just a powder keg waiting to be lit.

    Hopefully it’ll never reach critical mass, but I fear it’ll likely occur in the not too distant future…