• Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    under communism, the government would take away all your freedom and take away your job and enslave you and take away your home and blow up your house then kill all the homeless and make education illegal and indoctrinate you into marxism and take away your family and force you to have children and take away your music and your art and your history and censor all books and steal your money then you have to make art the state wants and then they raise inflation really really high and then they invade other countries and massacre innocent people and make food illegal then youd have to mine all your food yourself but the government would take it away and through you in jail and execute you without trial and then fire judges for not executing enough innocents for the quota then youd be sick and have to join the army only you cant go to work because you have to wait 10000 years for a car and it doesnt work so you walk to work but you cant walk because the government made it illegal you got no doctors since they were brainwashed before being executed you go to them but you have to pay in vodka only the govertnmentn made that illegal so you got no healthcare and its expensive and then you have to stay in a gulag with your family but theres no food left so you starve and you cant have any friends and they execute you and make happiness illegal and censor your opinion and make the internet illegal and they ban video games and then the earth would explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!