Are you looking for a man who knows a thing or two about delving a little deeper than surface level chitchat, because underneath your wife and mother responsibilities, lies a woman itching to be noticed again, maybe the woman you once were, or maybe you’ve noticed yourself change the past few years, and you’re in need of someone to pull you out from the monotonous routine of life, and remind you that you’re a desirable woman?

I’m from the UK and im at the stage in my life where i want something just purely for me, my own slice of happiness. My marriage is ok, sometimes it’s pretty good, sometimes not so good, i suppose that’s life for you, but now that our kids are more like adults, i have more free time on my hands, which got me thinking, to actually find someone to invest good quality time with, to become each other’s secret best person, would be quite something, don’t you think?

I consider myself to be a gentleman, polite, courteous and emotionally available. I’m average height, high metabolism, considered attractive, been told i have nice kind eyes and that i look younger than i am, i haven’t been asked for my ID since i decided to grow a beard when I was 40, which is now salt and peppered.

You’re at least 40 years old, a woman who is good with her words, you tend to ‘think outside of the box’, aren’t constrained to convention, and who can bring a bit of banter and sarcasm to the table, but also able to show your softer side. You are confident, with a dark sense of humour. If you call yourself the mum next door with a mum bod, or curvaceous then you’d most probably turn my head.

Although this might not be where you thought you’d be (married with kids scrolling through Lemmy), you found yourself here, curiosity got the better of you, and here you are, wondering if im the right man to reach out too…