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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Frankyvalium on 2024-08-05 16:28:31+00:00.

Curious to know if this has happened to anyone else. Without going into too much detail, I used to live in a house with my ex partner who was emotionally and verbally abusive. He made the house extremely tense, with his fits of rage followed by days and weeks of silence. Most of my friends stopped coming over because of the energy of the house. I mean you could feel tension just when you walked in, but I was very used to it being his wife. I had my first occurrence in the first house we shared that was a late 80s cape cod. I moved in after we got engaged and for the first 6 months everything was great and normal. Sometimes, my dog would bark incessantly at the end of the hallway at nothing in particular and Id pick up on some old house creaks…Eventually we got married and continued to lived there while looking for a newer home.

When my husband started a night shift job things changed. While still in the cape cod, we began to argue and he would follow me around the house yelling at me until i “solved things” by apologizing and catering to him and wed move on. His attitude became hostile and i began my career of walking on eggshells. Things were fine as long as he was happy. He was happy as long as I had meals made, clean house, brought home money, didn’t see my friends, let him do whatever he want, left him alone, didn’t look upset or look unhappy, didn’t talk too loud or too quiet, didn’t move too much in my sleep, did his laundry, color coded his clothes when i put them away all facing the same direction, didn’t try to talk to him before dinner, right after dinner, and definitely not in bed…you get the jist.

The first night I saw the shadow figure, I was home alone and he was working. I woke up in the middle of the night to him on his side of the bed, holding what looked like his cell phone. I could see his shoulder outline and the screen from the phone. I was surprised he was home early but did not want to make him angry by asking about it so i pretended to sleep. After a few minutes he hadnt moved at all so i reach to grab my phone and i checked the time, 3 something am. I turn over to him as i ask if hes okay and he is just standing there looking at me. I could see his outline, his ears and shoulders-it was like he was darker than the darkness. He was just standing there. My fight or flight sank in and i immediately took my pillow and threw it at “him” and grabbed my phone and ran out of the house. No one had broken in, no one was in there. I didnt sleep that night.

Fast forward a year to the new house, I mean NEW NEW. My ex had money…so new Ryan home cookie cutter built for us in a residential neighborhood. At first little things would happen, lights on and off…tv acting up, all ignorable. He had become worse, harder to appease and harder to understand. The silent treatment would last weeks and there would be such intense tension from the two of us that it was heavy. One night at 3am our fire alarm, in our bedroom only, went off. Later that week my girlfriend and i were in the living room and we heard running upstairs coming from no one. I have no kids, my dog is always glued to my hip, and my ex was sleeping. Things went on like this, lights would flash on and off, items would move around or get completely lost, the tv would come on in the middle of the night, and also our house was struck by lightning TWICE

Towards the end of the marriage when his abuse was bordering on violent I saw his shadow again. We had had some sort of fight the week prior and he had pulled silent treatment ever since. Again, he was at work, I woke up in the middle of the night to footsteps at the foot of the bed and when I opened my eyes, the exact same shadow was on his same side of the bed. The odd thing this time was it was definitely him but he had short hair? It looked like the shadow of him from our time at the older house…My ex at that time had grown his hair out to his shoulders so I knew it wasn’t him. But it was him…staring again, from his side of the bed. In my sleepy, worn down best I ignored it and went back to sleep. I felt like it wasn’t me that thing was directed at. I wouldn’t say i felt safe with it but i just knew the darkness wasn’t mine. If that makes sense. This is way longer than I intended but is anyone familiar with being haunted by the living?