Here is a Basic Marxism-Leninism study plan I copied off, if ye want to understand it

This is the Marxism-Leninism “basic study plan” of the Anti-Imperialism Movement (Movimiento Anti-Imperialista or MAI). I think this is a very decent set of texts to read, so I’ve translated the original list and added links to all English and free-to-read versions available online. Since people very often ask for this kind of thing I hope some of you will find it useful.

(Don’t procrastinate) Introduction Lenin. The three sources and three component parts of Marxism

Lenin. Karl Marx

Marx, Engels. Manifesto of the Communist Party

Historical Materialism

Marx, Engels. The German Ideology, chapter 1

Scientific Socialism Engels. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

Lenin. What is to be done?

Lenin. State and Revolution (Ouais?)

Lenin. Texts against revisionism and opportunism:

The historical destiny of the doctrine of Karl Marx

Opportunism and the collapse of the Second International

The collapse of the Second International

Imperialism and the split in Socialism

Certain features of the historical development of Marxism

Marxism and Revisionism

Marxism and Reformism

Lenin. Left-wing Communism: and infantile disorder

Engels. Anti-Dühring, part III: Socialism

Stalin. The foundations of Leninism

Philosophy Mao. On contradiction

Engels. Anti-Dühring, part I: Philosophy

Engels. Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of classical German philosophy

Marx. Theses on Feuerbach

Political Economy

Marx. Wages, price and profit (Ouais)

Engels. Anti-Dühring, part II: Political Economy

Marx. Capital Volume I

Lenin. Imperialism, the highest stage of Capitalism

    3 months ago

    Agreed as well. This person is asking questions that strike me more as “do the work for me” rather than actually learning themselves. It feels like they want others to put in the effort of understanding theory so they don’t have to form their own opinions.