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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/penguin7117 on 2024-07-06 00:35:37+00:00.

This happened about 15-20 minutes ago. I went to check on my cat (he had a vet appointment today) and went into his playroom and found these footprints in the carpet. The first photo is the left foot. It is much less defined than the right foot. The second photo is a measuring tape of the right footprint. The third photo is a comparison of the right footprint and my own right footprint (to the right of it). I am an adult male who wears a size 12 shoe. This looks like a small woman or child’s footprint. I would appreciate any nonparanormal thoughts on where this could have come from as I don’t like the thought of having spirits in this house.

I have thoroughly checked the house for any intruders and found no one. I have an alarm that would go off should someone enter when I am not here. No windows are broken, all doors are locked, my cat doesn’t act like he smells anyone new. These appeared today. No one else has been in my house with my permission. I have lived in this house for all but 3 years of its existence and there have been no deaths here (that I know of).

I appreciate any guidance you may have.

Update: Thank you all for the insights you have provided. My working theory is that the toe end of the print is my own and there was a weird carpet pattern that just happened to line up with them and make the semblance of a smaller footprint. I will be having my nephew come over today to take a look around the attic and make sure there are no signs of someone living up there just to be sure.