This is the US foreign policy establishment’s most important publication admitting it.

    5 months ago

    Granted, the hardliners did want to fight to the last man, woman, and child; and had the Soviets maintained their neutrality then the hardliners most likely would have succeeded in pushing Hirohito or couping him so that they could abandon Manchuria and attempt to bleed the Allies dry in the Home Islands.

    To bad that’s not what happened in reality, so the nuclear bombs were still entirely useless.

    • I do know the hardliners had that in mind, but I have to imagine their will wouldn’t be met by the population by anywhere near the same degree of fervor. That and, given their dwindling resources and lack of connection to any outside the main islands, it wouldn’t have been long before any capacity for real resistance would have dried up in the face of the peace offers