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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/datfunkymusicboi on 2024-05-17 23:28:07+00:00.

She was around 4 to 5 weeks old and started fussing a wee bit. I had lay down having just put my son to sleep (twins lol) I was tired and just lay a little while to see if she would go back to sleep. I checked my phone and remember seeing the time being 4:04am and just as I went to get up I heard a lady “shhh… shhh” from the other side of the room, the bottom of my daughters cot. We have a GroEgg that acts as a night light too and I saw no one (the only other person in the house was my partner who was asleep beside me) It didn’t scare me, and it just came over me to lie back down for some reason. My baby stopped fussing almost immediately and I said thank you out loud and fell asleep. She woke up maybe an hour later for a feed and I didn’t think anything of what happened but I’ve since talked about it with other people. I came across a video on a popular video app yesterday of someone else recounting a similar occurance with a lot of other mothers in the comments saying the same thing. I was wide awake, so I don’t think sleep paralysis would apply to this. I don’t know, maybe someone could give a reasonable explanation - I like to think we were visited by a kind lady or maybe my great grandmother whom I was very close too, she loved babies. This is the only occurance of this and they’re almost 6 months now. Maybe other people have a similar thing happen to them?