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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Wooden-Window6656 on 2023-07-08 12:54:48+00:00.

My girlfriend grew up with this weird superstition where you can’t walk behind someone when holding a knife in your hand because it means that you’ll stab them in the back one day. Metaphorically speaking of course. I don’t know if it’s an African thing because he mother is from there but I obviously don’t believe in this crap. It’s just silly. So every time we cook together I just ignore this superstition and most of the time she doesn’t even notice. When she does she usually just grins and tells me to “keep it in mind”. I do have it in mind though. I just don’t care. This isn’t even what annoys me. What annoys me is that she always insists on walking in front of me when we’re cooking together and she has a knife in her hand so I have to step back like twice or three times while preparing a meal. I usually don’t say anything but a few days ago I just snapped and told her to stop enforcing this stupid superstition onto me because I don’t believe in her silly stuff. She got really sad because it apparently reminds her of home and cooking with her mom. I understand that but I am not her mom and she is still forcing this onto me.

So AITA for screaming at my girlfriend?