Not that I would expect anyone cares, but In was the guy that broke the screen on my OP5T (dumpling) a few weeks ago. Finally up and running again on a OP115G (salami). Out of the gate, I’m happy.

After some drama with Amazon shipping me replacement OP5T (dumpling) – dead on arrival – and OP9RT (martini) – shipping exception, canceled-- I finally landed an OP115G (salami). Love it. Let’s talk turkey.

Unlock and code load process was straightforward. Just follow the LOS guide. Magisk install was less.prcose, but ultimately I patched init_boot to flash through fastboot and Magisk took care of the rest on a prompted reboot.

Before we talk about rooting, let’s talk about the migration process. I run a Googled build, so the Play store handled about 85% of my migration flawlessly. Stock and Play installed apps moved over seamlessly, mostly with settings and data. Several apps did not carry data, and needed to be manually exported/imported, or just configured manually. Solid Explorer and some weather apps were the main offenders here.

My (F-droid | droid-ify) apps all needed to be reinstalled and then have data manually ported over. Some required root access: Termux and Forkyz were especially_manual_. Ugh.

So. Root.

I’m a Mafiosi guy. Just install the app and use it to patch the init_boot image from lineageos downloads, and reflash that image. Magisk will prompt a further reboot to finish up.

Does Wallet work? Ostensibly yes. Install Magisk debug + Shamiko + chitteroman/Play Integrity Fx. Look it up.

Does Magisk Hide work? Results vary. Banking apps work, but are variously broken. Mostly they won’t honor Passkey. Hotel apps are useless. Weird.

So there you go. LOS21 on “salami” works 90%+. Super snappy, very impressed, much wow. 5 stars to the Devs.