This is truth and the funny thing is it even applies to when extroverts/ambiverts scoop up socially anxious introvert people and adopt them. Which, you would think the extrovert might be neurotypical but I can tell you no, no they are not.
We find our people and then gaslight ourselves because it’s like, “oh no, that’s weird but normal human behavior” which, yes, but it is also ADHD AF.
Still looking for my pack. Every time I think I find one it dissolves.
It’s hard. And I feel like the older we get, the busier our days are and suddenly it’s been months since we last messaged each other. The time blindness and “out of sight, out of mind” definitely doesn’t help.
Thank you! That perfectly describes the “time blindness” problem I’ve been noticing more and more lately. There’s always been a descrepancy between what I think is a normal time between contact and what others think. I’ll happily move on to my day-to-day life and then contact a friend a month or two later and they’ll feel resentment because of the time. Honestly I hadn’t even noticed it, certainly wasn’t intentional or meant to hurt.
Friendship is a two-way street. If they resent you for the time when they could just as easily contact you too then they’re not a good friend.
“It’s not me it’s them”
Lmao. Jk btw.
From my own observations, a lot tend to either tech (mostly men) or horses (mostly women). My local makerspace is at least 50% neurodiverse, compared to 2% ish in the population. The horse riding community seems to have similar ratios.
Both tech and horses here…uh oh. 😂 alas, to damned expensive for horses and did’t get back into tech after i moved to be withvmy husband., decided to randomly pick up horticulture as a career choice instead.
Definitely notice this with creatives and ADHD, too.