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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Away_Analyst_3107 on 2023-07-08 12:33:26+00:00.

Yesterday, I (F21) was at a family party for one of my younger cousin’s birthday.

While there Taylor Swift released cardigans for her new album (cardigans are a big deal in the fan base). I was trying to purchase one, but they sold out.

At this point I was inside, so I decided to go outside where my two cousins, Mark (M26) and Austin (M28) were sitting. Austin knows I am a pretty big Taylor Swift fan and asked me if I had gotten a cardigan. When I said no, Mark asked me if I wanted to buy one from him. I asked him what he meant, and he said he had bought 8 to resell.

Now I understand needing money. I understand that sometimes you need to do things to have an income. But this is not the case for Mark. Mark works in corporate America with a 6 figure income (that he LOVES to brag about). Mark is also a trust fund kid and went to a top 10 college because he was a legacy. Also, these cardigans are $70. So ignoring shipping/tax, he dropped $560 on these. If he needed money, then he wouldn’t have been able to afford to spend that kind of money on them in the first place.

I made a face and he asked what was wrong. I asked him if he did the same thing with concert tickets. He responded yes like it was nothing and went on to tell me that he was able to make over $800 per ticket he resold.

I did not get tickets to any of the concerts and was devasted because that was all my little sister had wanted for her birthday. I know Austin at least knows about this, and I thought Mark had known too since they were there when she sobbed because she didn’t get them.

At this point is when I might be TA.

I was pissed and told him that people like him are the scum of the Earth and that he needs to check his morals. I also told him that I hope his child (M7) never turns out like him.

Mark got up and walked into the house. When he left, Austin told me I was an asshat for saying that he needed to check his morals. I feel like I should say that Austin never said anything about the scum of the earth comment or the comment about his kid.

When I got home last night, Mark’s mother started sending me a bunch of texts telling me that she never wants to hear from me again and to never expect any money from them again (the only time they gave me money was my graduation two months ago).

While I do regret bringing his kid into it, and fully know that the comment about the child was wrong, AITA for calling him out for his side hustle basically being preying on fans?

Edit since it has been mentioned a couple of times:

We live in NY so ticket scalping above 10% of the original price is illegal here. So his practices are technically illegal for the tickets alone.